
发布时间:2017/04/13 作者:小贵贵





  写作新思路的Talk Show.

  key words:

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  Which one of the factors is most important in helpingstudents to study in colleges and universities?

  A. Having access to the university tutorswho can provide individual instruction for the students who have difficulty instudy.

  B. Having the help and encouragement fromthe family and friends.

  C. Having excellent teachers in high schoolwho can help the students before the university.

  Use your OWN words to illustrate you point.Don’t use your memorized examples.









  Three factors weigh heavily againstuniversity education: access to helpful university tutors, the support fromfamilies and friends, and excellent teachers in high school. Insofar asuniversity is the extension of high school, one’s university studies largelydepend on the quality of his high school education. This naturally directsattention to high school teachers. So in my opinion, the most important thingis to have excellent teachers in high school, who are not reluctant toencourage students to think independently, to learn extensively and to explorethemselves actively----three abilities fundamental to university studies.

  University studies, first, necessitateindependent thinking. This means that university students have to develop theirown ideas regarding the topics of study. They write research papers, give variouspresentations and join group discussions, where only new and original thoughtsmatter. The point here is that rather than an immediate result of familialsupport or tutoring, independent thinking is cultivated by experienced highschool teachers. In other words, one is not born with independent thinking, sohigh school teachers who are aware of its importance prepare students well fortheir future college life.

  Furthermore, successful universityeducation requires students to be liberal with knowledge. Instead of beingconfined only to their major, students in university should enjoy more chancesto approach more subjects, which equips them with a large base of variousknowledge. This ultimately enables them to perceive the world from possiblydifferent points of view, making them immune to bias and prejudice. But itwould be late for students to know this after they go to university. To helptheir students adapt to university, good high school teachers are well-knownfor their foresight to develop students’ liberal attitude towards knowledge.

  In addition, academic excellence inuniversity is premised on interest. It is evident that when studying what helikes, one tends to apply himself assiduously to his studies, and therefore ismore likely to achieve desirable results. If a high school teacher arouses astudent’s interest in a certain field, this student will more likely work hardin this field of study and thus produce excellent outcomes. In the UnitedStates, high school students take varied courses and discuss themselves in allpossible forms, such as descriptions about one’s own interest. So it is obviousthat American high school teachers fully appreciate the importance ofidentifying students’ interest.

  To sum up, excellent highschool teachers make efforts to foster students’ abilities needed in universityby consciously developing student’s independent thinking, encouraging studentto learn widely and facilitating students’ search for true interest. So it isarguable that when it comes to helping university studies, having excellentteachers in high school carries more weight than the other two factors.

  (430 words)





