
发布时间:2018/10/18 作者:小贵贵




  In addition, colonial birds detect predators more quickly than do small groups or pairs and can drive the predators from the vicinity of the nesting area.

  The word “vicinity” in the passage is closest in meaning to

  A. protection

  B. region

  C. population

  D. resources

  注:vicinity: a surrounding or nearby region;

  2. All birds in the colony are equally likely to follow or to be followed and thus contribute to the sharing of information that helps to ensure their reproductive success.

  The phrase “contribute to ” in the passage is closest in meaning to

  A. learn from

  B. depend upon

  C. take advantage of

  D. add to

  3. Among the costs, colonial nesting leads to increased competition for nest sites and mates, the stealing of nest materials, and increased physical interference among other effects. In spite of food abundance, large colonies sometimes exhaust their local food supplies and abandon their nests.

  The word “exhaust” in the passage is closest in meaning to

  A. use up

  B. leave

  C. avoid

  D. hide

  4. On balance, the advantages of colonial nesting clearly outweigh the disadvantages, given the many times at which colonial nesting has evolved independently among different groups of birds.

  The phrase “On balance ” in the passage is closest in meaning to





  5. After 1850, however, the expansion of foods more regularly kept pace with population growth, though the poorer classes remained malnourished.

  The phrase “kept pace with” in the passage is closest in meaning to


  B.matched the increase in

  C.increased the rate of


  6. Henceforth, dirty water of that sort was to go into the lagoon. Thanks to resistance on the part of the dyers, infractions were many, the law did not reflect common practice.

  The word “Henceforth” in the passage is closest in meaning to

  A. Instead of this

  B. In addition

  C. From this time on

  D. In effect

  7.The government was obliged to impose controls, and in the early fourteenth century, the Great Council prohibited the washing of all cloth and dyed woolens in the canals, adding that water used for dyeing could not be flushed into the canals.

  The word “obliged” in the passage is closest in meaning to





  8.  At the same time, a campaign was launched to repair the existing cisterns. Expansion of the cistern system stopped during much of the fourteenth century as Venice, like other cities in Europe, suffered from bubonic plague.

  The word “launched” in the passage is closest in meaning to

  A. paid for

  B. started

  C. proposed

  D. agreed on

  9. The public authorities made efforts to take bolder action to ensure the supply of fresh water from this parallel sourceand a number of projects were suggested during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries to channel river water and even to construct an aqueduct.

  The word “ensure” in the passage is closest in meaning to

  A. improve

  B. increase

  C. control

  D. Guarantee

  10. In fact, unpredictability is probably a greater problem than is the severity of the unfavorable period.

  The word “ severity ” in the passage is closest in meaning to

  A. length

  B. harshness

  C. unexpectedness

  D. completeness

  11. Each drone that is successful dies in the process, however, and a similar fate awaits drones that aren't successful; once mating is done, they will be expelled from their hives or killed.

  The phrase expelled from in the passage is closest in meaning to

  A. forced from

  B. carried from

  C. left by

  D. guided from

  12. Although trade with the Americas had something to do with this, the main determinants of this industrial advance lay within Europe itself.

  The word determinants in the passage is closest in meaning to

  A. origins

  B. long-term benefits

  C. causes

  D. effects

  13. To cite just one example, France hastened to develop its own iron industry when the Hapsburgs the family that governed much of Europe, and whom France fought repeatedly in the sixteenth century came to dominate the manufacture of weapons in Germany and the cities of Li¨¨ge and Milan, which boasted Europe's most advanced technology.

  The word hastened in the passage is closest in meaning to


  B. rushed


  D. attempted 

  14. Migration had long been critical for the diffusion of knowledge that spawned new trades or revived others.

  The word diffusion in the passage is closest in meaning to


  B. spread


  D. application

  15. The best-known and most widely adopted new industry was printing with movable type, which spread swiftly throughout Europe after Johannes Gutenberg perfected his innovation in 1453.

  The word perfected in the passage is closest in meaning to


  B. completed


  D. exhibited

  16.Although the evidence for actual marketplaces is less than clear for southern Mesopotamia, the remnants of shop-lined streets indicate vigorous commercial activity involving large numbers of people.

  The word remnants in the passage is closest in meaning to


  B. locations



  17. This activity in turn promoted competition among city-states to obtain supplies of exotic raw materials.

  The word exotic in the passage is closest in meaning to


  B. popular


  D. foreign 

  18. Unlike Mesopotamia, Egypt had relatively secure and defined borders, allowing a single state to dominate the area.

  The word dominate in the passage is closest in meaning to


  B. control


  D. acquire

  19. Thus access to cheap and plentiful primary materials was a constant preoccupation for independent producers.

  The word “preoccupation” in the passage is closest in meaning to





  20. Artisans’ autonomy was imperiled, too, by restrictions on their access to markets.

  The word “ autonomy “ in the passage is closest in meaning to



  C.ability to make a living

  D.ability to adapt 

  21. The earliest and most rudimentary images are finger drawings in soft clay on the rock surface, the artist following the example of claw marks made by animals.

  The word rudimentary in the passage is closest in meaning to

  A. elementary

  B. puzzling

  C. available

  D. revealing

  22. Different types of rock, and rock formations, were used to give variety, add color, and produce depth, so that some of these engravings are akin to sculptural low reliefs (shallow sculptures carved into walls). Fine engraving is rare and late.

  The phrase akin to in the passage is closest in meaning to

  A. regarded as

  B. similar to

  C. characteristic of

  D. a result of

  23. The first colors were red, iron oxide (hematite, a form of red ochre), and black (manganese dioxide), though black from juniper or pine carbons has also been discovered. White from kaolin or mica was used occasionally

  The word occasionally in the passage is closest in meaning to

  A. preferably

  B. skillfully

  C. repeatedly

  D. sometimes

  24. The only other colors available to Magdalenian painters were yellow and brown. However, great ingenuity was displayed by artists.

  The word ingenuity in the passage is closest in meaning to

  A. knowledge 

  B. confidence

  C. patience

  D. inventiveness

   25.To navigate and detect prey, dolphins emit calls into the environment and then listen to the echoes of the calls that return from nearby objects, a process known as echolocation.

  The word “detect” in the passage is closest in meaning to 







  amount to=total

  perspective=point of view



  accelerated=speeded up 

  exploit=take advantage of





  outbreak= sudden increase





