
发布时间:2017/03/21 作者:小贵贵





  写作新思路的Talk Show.

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  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to relax by watching a movie or reading a book than by doing physical exercises.



  人类早期只能通过狩猎和采集等方式来得到食物。恶劣的生存环境要求人类必须经常奔跑,攀爬或跳跃等等,以争取生存的机会。这样一来,人类逐渐习惯了这种动态的生活,以至于这种生活状态形成了人类共有的基因。哈佛大学教授Tal Ben Shahar 教授的关于幸福的课程,对这一点有很详细的讲解。所以,通过运动来放松是对人类本能和基因的一种顺应,必然能够达到更好的效果。


  人体拥有自我恢复和保护的机制,当人痛苦的时候,人的大脑会自然分泌一种叫胺多酚的物质。这种物质有镇痛,并使人愉悦的功能。我们平时说的跑步者的愉悦(runner’s high),就是因为跑步使得大脑分泌了更多的胺多酚,从而让跑步者感到更快乐。美国水牛城大学的医学院曾做过一个实验,发现参加考试前,儿童如果能做一些简单的远动,比如散步,就会比不做运动的人更放松,进而考试成绩也会更优秀。研究者也把这一现象归因于胺多酚的神奇功效。所以,从生理的角度来讲,运动是一种更直接的有效的放松方式。




  2. 看书/电影能给人一个逃离现实生活的机会



  The idea of relaxation looms(隐约显现) so large now, as a result of the high-paced and stressful way of living. When it comes to how to relieve stress and relax themselves, however, people find it hard to reach an accord(达成一致)。 If you were to ask me, I would rather battle against stress by doing physical exercises than by watching a movie or reading a book.

  First, to relax by doing exercises is a sort of respect for human nature. How, you may wonder, does physical exercise relate to human nature? In fact, the need for exercise is exactly part of human nature. A professor at Harvard College named Tal Ben Shahar once gave a series of lecture on happiness. According to his research, at the early stage of human society, the survival competition had forced man to hunt or forage(搜寻)for food, which accustomed them to a variety of forms of physically intense movements---running, climbing, jumping and so on. Gradually, this need for movements has grown into human’s genes. This means that, without adequate practice of physical exercise, one would genetically tend to undergo emotional declines. Thus, in order to relax and return to a higher level of emotional state, one should follow human’s natural way of living, being physically active and taking the chance to work out.

  Moreover, physiologically speaking, doing exercise is a more effective way to increase one’s level of excitement. Human body is self-repairing and self-restoring(自我修补及自我恢复)。 That is, when one is feeling stressed, his/her brain accordingly produces a chemical substance termed endorphin(安多酚), which serves to alleviate the effects of stress. Common evidence for endorphin’s magic is that it contributes to the “runner’s high”。 Additionally, the medical school of the University of Buffalo offers further support. The researchers find that children who take a walk before the test are more relaxed and tend to score higher than those who do not take part in any form of exercise. This difference is attributed to an increase in production of endorphin after exercise. It is safe to say that physical exercises encourage the brain to produce endorphin and endorphin helps lift one’s spirits up(振奋精神)。 So by doing exercise, one’s mood improves and stress dies away.

  In conclusion, it is not only instinctive(本能的) for man to relax by doing physical exercise, but it is also true that physical exercise does improves one’s mood. For these two reasons, I strongly hold that as a means of relaxation, doing physical exercise is always better than watching a movie or reading a book.

  (460 words)





